Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m.
During this class, we will delve into the book of Habakkuk, examining both its historical and redemptive contexts, with a specific focus on its structure and major themes. Our study will involve an exploration of the book’s teachings on faith and trust in God, even during challenging times or when we do not understand His ways. We will discuss Habakkuk’s questioning of God’s allowance for evil and injustice to prevail. Furthermore, we will explore how the book points to the person and work of Christ and informs our Christian life.
Wednesday Evenings @ 6:00 p.m.
A broad overview of the Old Testament in which we'll look at three things from each passage:
1) what the passage tells us about God
2) what the passage tells us about ourselves
3) how it points to our Savior
If the goal of our discipleship is conformity to Christ, then the way we approach God’s Word should reflect that goal. Rather than reading Scripture asking, “What am I supposed to do?” we would do better asking, “What am I to become?” The only way we can truly discover what we are to become is by gazing upon the person of Jesus, for it is through beholding the glory of the Lord, that we are transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another (2 Corinthians 3:18). And the place we behold the light of the knowledge of the glory of God is in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6).
Now if Jesus doesn’t show up until the New Testament, you and I have a serious problem with what we are to do with the first four-fifths of this book, the Bible. Because the only way we are conformed to Christ’s image is by gazing upon him. So, either the greater part of the Old Testament is irrelevant to us as Christians (which we know is not the case) or since all Scripture is indeed profitable to make us complete (2 Timothy 3:16-17), Jesus must be visible within the pages of the Old Testament just as he is in the New. Jesus is not just visible in a mere smattering of passages sprinkled throughout the Old Testament but is vividly displayed in every text. We just need to learn how to look for him.
That is the goal of our current Wednesday evening class: Finding Jesus in the Old Testament: How Every Passage Points to Christ. Join us tonight at 6pm at Grace Bible Church as we walk through the opening chapters of Genesis, looking for Jesus.